The 4-tuple is shown symbolically as: <>
Here the capital letters are abbreviations for the five senses or representational systems:
- A =auditory (hearing),
- V = Visual (seeing),
- K = Kinesthetic (feeling),
- O/G = Olfactory/Gustatory (smelling/tasting)
The superscripts (in parentheses) ‘e’ and ‘i’ indicate whether the representations are coming from sources external, to us (e = external), as when we are looking at, listening to, feeling, smelling or tasting something that is outside of us, or whether they are internally generated, (i = internal), as when we are remembering or imagining some image, sound, feeling smell or taste. We can also show the 4tuple iconically as:
Using the 4-tuple we can usefully describe our on going experience. For example, let me describe my experience right now as I am reading this book::
Ai = Auditory internal - I hear the tempo and tonal qualities of my internal dialogue as I read the words to myself. (Auditory internally generated)
Ve = Visual external - I see the typed words of the website, the lighting pattern in the room (Visual externally generated)
Ke = Kinesthetic external - I fell the chair, and the temperature of the room. (Kinesthetic externally generated)
O/Ge = Olfactory/Gustatory external - I can smell the flowers in the room and the freshness of the air. (Olfactory/Gustatory externally generated)
Here I just described my total conscious on-going experience using the 4-tuple. You can use the 4-tuple to describe any on-going experience. Try describing your on-going experience now using the 4-tuple.