Saturday, December 29, 2007

Macro matching

As well as specific matching, think about your overall position, say within the room, or vis-a-vis furnishings, in relation to the other person. You can, for example, match a person sitting across a desk, or with chairs facing, just like a mirror image. Alternatively, you can sit together, facing the same direction (as when on a couch), and still match gestures and body position. The latter behaviour will more likely create a sense of unity of purpose and rapport - you have literally got the person 'on your side'. On the other hand, you may have little opportunity for eye contact, or even to observe their overall body language. In this case, you may choose to have your chairs at right angles to each other so that you both effectively 'face the same direction' but with better eye contact, and, if you wish, still look at the same document. A flip chart, white board or common document to refer to can often help to focus attention and establish rapport. The object forms a neutral reference point and brings you together. It can also help rapport if you both contribute ideas and explanations in words or drawings on a single notepad. In this way you not only match physiology but can also match the person's preference to draw doodles or diagrams to communicate.

Similarly, swapping the same marker pen and jointly contributing to a diagram, flow chart or list of ideas on a flip chart can also help create rapport. Simple things like this can all help to establish a genuine meeting of minds. Communicating means getting closer to a person in more than just a physical sense. The respective heights of chairs can also have an effect. Matching aims for win-win rapport, rather than manipulation or domination. Different levels (as in standing and sitting respectively) might give the wrong signals. So you need to match levels as well as orientation. If a person marches up and down talking you will not help rapport by reclining in a low chair at the other end of the room. In this case you will either have to join in the mobile discourse, or part match by at least standing up. Consider all macro aspects of matching, rather than just body posture and gestures.